Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Welcome to the official Satyricom Global Concern Blog

Satyricom Global Concern is a corporation largely ingrained in your life. We make the products that make your life easier, your family healthier, and the world a livable place.

Please check back frequently to see what we have to offer. You can't afford not to. We make the products that connect deep down with your soul, making the day sunnier, and life worth while. Yes, you could visit some of our competitors, but we have a longer history of making a difference in your life, than they do, and you wouldn't want us to stop making your life better, would you?

At Satyricom we specialize in making the products that you have an emotional attachment to. We make the things you can't live without. Like oxygen, we are there and we always have been. In fact, you wouldn't want us to move to another country and bestow jobs upon foreigners, jobs that inspire pride in our workers - workers who take pride in their work knowing that they are lucky to have a job at a company whose headquarters are located in the greatest country in the Free World*

God Bless America

* Our research department informs us that Myanmar is actually the greatest country in the Un-Free World

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